Thursday, May 12, 2022

Seaside Living

 The unexplainable events in my living situation seemed to have cooled off after I moved back to Orange County.  Both the Seaside Resort and the Bed & Breakfast didn't have too much activity going on.  Or if there was, it wasn't affecting me hardly at all.  

I will say that at the Seaside Resort, I had some really vivid dreams.  So much so that a few times I would wake up in a cold sweat and once I even called my brother to check on his well-being after what happened to him in my dreams.  Let's just say I had never dreamt about dragons before or since.  Yes, dragons, the whole medieval flying lizards, fire-breathing dragon was a thing in that dream.  

The Bed & Breakfast, one would almost assume it should have had some kind of activity based on its age and location.  But I already had enough drama going on with the living situation as it was for me to think about anything else.  And it had such a bizarre layout.  Like it was probably a large single-family home with a courtyard that previous owners at some point divided into a duplex.  So the bathrooms were in the center of the structure and despite there being a window in the bathroom, opening it you were looking at a small cubby with a vented skylight.  So the only natural light and ventilation in the bathrooms were indirect.  

But as I was saying, not a whole lot of activity going on at either of those locations.  Casa on the other hand, my current abode, well, every few weeks/months, I'll start to feel a creeping touch while I'm in bed.  Nothing like a full grabbing sensation but more like a caress.  A most inappropriate caress.  I have to call out to it to leave me alone, I'll center myself for a bit and then it's gone for another stretch of time before it starts over again weeks later.  

But it's also at these apartments when the baby universe dreams have become  more frequent.  If you're not familiar with the term I've been using, "Baby Universe," allow me to elaborate. 

I have these recurring dreams.  But not like most people who have the same dreams over and over.  The clown chasing you with an ax while you run away naked?  Nothing like that happens.  No, my recurring dreams are more inline with the same locations within my dreams.  I actually wrote a blog post about them a year ago so I'll just copy and paste that here to explain and maybe expand on the concept because a few of them have become more fleshed out in recent months.

1) The School - Despite visiting this universe countless times, I can't pin-point whether it's a high school or college.  Or if I'm even a student or working there.  I did work at the Community College for several years.  But it's also unlike any school I've ever attended myself.  There are hallways and classrooms I've been in.  Lecture halls or they could have been theaters used to lecture students in.  There's been flights of stairs and shop classes, an underground or lower level with rows of classes downstairs as well.  I have interacted with people in this space though.  But often as I'm giving them information, the others who are here rarely speak to me.

2) The Farm - The Farm location is always interesting when I drop in because it's the one I visit the least.  But it is definitely someplace out in the country.  There's an old-fashioned barn, pasture or field with crops.  Like wheat crops or something.  I don't recall seeing many animals outside of maybe a horse or mule, some livestock.  But there's never any people out at this site either.  

3) The Mansion -  This location is unusual in that, I've been only a few times and they were always very brief visits.  But what happens here has left me a funky state once I wake up out of it.  The Mansion is exactly that, some big home, not unlike you might see on the BBC or east-coast estates.  Big, dark wood paneling, heavy wooden railing along the stairs but most of the time, it's empty.  Just me, maybe one or two others, often strangers.  And then it's what happens in the Mansion that goes beyond the norm for even my dreams.  I've been able to become lucid in this Baby Universe.  I would come to realize that I'm in the middle of a dream and start to take it over.  I've gained the power of self-flight, which is the most bizarre feeling ever.  What would it be like to fly like a superhero?  I think I felt that within the Mansion.  I was playing around over the bannister and suddenly, I was floating, hovering.  I was only a couple of feet off the ground but within a few moments, I started to become lucid and then I really took over the dream and my flight ability.  And all I can recall from that is the sensation of falling.  In the Mansion, my ability to fly was making me feel as though I was just constantly falling.  A controlled fall, if you will.  But with forward, controlled motion.  That's about as best as I can describe the sensation.  Haven't been back there in a while but I wouldn't be against a return sometime.  

4) The Future World - This is always my most interesting destination and the one I've visited probably the second most.  I feel like I'm in some sort of megalopolis in the distant future.  Like how the 1920s imagined what the future would look like with endless high rises and high-speed rail lines crisscrossing between the buildings.  I've ridden on those subway-type vehicles a few times but there's also a high-speed foot transport, like a moving walkway you might see in an airport but at a much higher rate of speed and you have to step into these harnesses for your feet to hold you in place.  

5} Travel Town - I call this one Travel Town mostly because there's a depot or port (air or maritime) of some sort. I've flown to and from this airport, been in a plane that landed here or taken a bus to this terminal. I've been in the parking structure in cargo vans and limousines. I've taken off from here and landed at some amusement or water park in the Midwest. And I know it was the Midwest because of the grain silos. But the insides were ginormous and had water slides inside them. But again, there's a terminal or airport involved and I'm often coming or going. 

6) The Aquarium - Out of all the Baby Universes I've been to, the Aquarium is the one I've been to most often.  And while I call it an Aquarium, it could also be a water park like SeaWorld because in addition to the fish displays, there are aquatic shows with marine life.  I can practically draw a map of the Aquarium, I've been to it so often and the layout stays about the same every time.  There's always people there, either watching the shows or wandering around the hallways looking at the displays.  There's a show  room upstairs that I've never attended but I have been to the arena for the big show.  It wasn't a killer whale or even dolphin show, they were seals, or walruses. Once, there was an audience filing in and I took a seat next to dad one visit.  It was unusual in that, since he passed away, I've only dreamt of dad maybe 3 or 4 times but he was never in one of my Baby Universes.  And the funny thing is, while I sat next to him, I never once looked at him, didn't see his face at all.  I just knew it was him, that he was there.  I don't think we even spoke.  And with the way time works in a dream, we may have been sitting there for a few seconds to a few hours but afterwards, we just got up and kind of went our separate ways in the dream.  

7) The Apartments - I call them the apartments but it could be just a large layout/campus of some sort of living situation.  Lots of low-lying, single-story buildings, front and rear entries so only two shared common walls between units.  And a recent trip there, within the last couple of weeks, has expanded the location to include a more centralized, larger building.  Whether it's offices or community center, I'm not sure.  

8) The Road - This one has started becoming a frequent setting and it's unusual because I'm starting off traveling this road and it could take me up to some forest/mountain setting and then I'm out of whatever vehicle it was I took there and exploring.  Or, and this one was a trip even at the time I was in the middle of it, the Road became a coastline road.  Similar to PCH but the ocean was on my right as I was traveling north.  There were people traveling along the road riding bikes.  Road bicycles, like Tour de France types of thing.  And like I mentioned, my journey starts along the road and eventually makes a stop where I'm out exploring.  And this latest trip, I ended up in another familiar location.  But I couldn't figure out if it was a real world location or a variation of my other Baby Universes.  Wouldn't that be a trip?  Starting off in one Baby Universe and traveling to others from there?  

Anyway, the baby universes started becoming more prevalent in recent years though I don't know what I could attribute that to.  

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